
Alternating Crimes has been a voice for original thinkers from North Carolina and nationally since the mid 1980’s where it began as a literary arts magazine that featured comics. Since those Reagan era horror infested days, it’s been a comic book that drove Hell Car and now it’s moved online exposing new alternating currents.

Contact us: info@alternatingcrimes.com

Announcing Alternating Crimes

And… we’re back! Alternating Crimes Publishing is returning with a new website focused on social media, bringing back old favorites and featuring new contributions.

AC (Alternating Crimes) has never been afraid to publish gritty and hard edged content, and this new incarnation plans on continuing that tradition. We’re starting with playing a little catch up by featuring some great old favorites, but in short order, blog posts of art, comics, entertainment or whatever we are excited by. And we’ll make announcements about new content as it is added.

So please like our page on Facebook and check back on future posts: https://www.facebook.com/alt.currents/?pnref=lhc